On-Demand Webinar: Government Contractor DCAA Timekeeping Compliance And Best Practices
As a government contractor, when it comes to timekeeping, it’s incredibly important to ensure you meet DCAA requirements. When you win a government contract, the DCAA’s time tracking rules apply to everyone in your company. The DCAA’s primary concern is preventing fraud and waste in the labor charging function. Checks and balances must be put into place to minimize risk to the government and taxpayers. It is critical that government contractors have the proper procedures and controls in place for labor compliance, and that documentation and training is provided to employees so that they understand and recognize their responsibilities in accurately recording time charges.
Join Dave Sample, Chief Revenue Officer at JAMIS Software Corporation, for a discussion on how federal contractors can go about meeting regulatory requirements and expectations related to timekeeping and labor reporting.
Learning Objectives: By the end of this course, participants will learn the basics of regulatory requirements and expectations related to timekeeping and labor reporting, and will be provided with examples of some of the advantages of modern, cloud-based timesheet systems in achieving success.