Transform Your Business with Dashboards and Power BI
Whether you’re a small or large business, there are certain critical performance metrics that allow managers and executives to manage and achieve results. And in order to navigate the complex waters of government contracting in particular, keeping your fingers on the pulse of your business is essential.
Traditional reporting tools are difficult to use, and setting up licensing and security can be expensive and troublesome. JAMIS Prime's built-in report writer and inquiries, dynamic dashboards, and integration with Microsoft Power BI make it easier on businesses to deliver exactly what they need to everyone across the organization. With a personalized user experience tailored to each role, Prime gives everyone the key performance insight they need in real-time. Give your users the critical information they need, when they need it.
For a closer look at the power of Prime, view our on demand demo or download the Power BI infographic today!
Deliver KPIs Like These Directly to End Users
Precisely determine remaining funds on existing contracts, and how many option years remain. Knowing exactly when the critical percentage of funds has been reached on each contract is essential.
Wrap Rate
Government contracting is extremely competitive, especially in today’s Lowest Price Technically Acceptable (LPTA) environment. This means you need to accurately assess what you can and can’t do, and at what price.
Labor Utilization
Tracking the percentage of time your employees spend on direct (billable) work vs. indirect (non-billable) work in real time and following trends allow for more effective adjustments to meet target billable utilization.
Profit and Loss by Project
It’ not only important to understand that certain projects are performing adequately, but the details of why they are over/underperforming on a real-time basis will allow you to adjust on the fly and maximize profits.
Project Budget vs Actuals
Each project manager should be able to clearly track budgets vs. actuals on the projects they oversee, and capture work progress assessments against the baseline plan.
New Business Pipeline
It’s easy to track the business you already have, but what about potential future sales coming down the pipeline?