Every business needs a detailed budget, but government contractors have some unique challenges they face, such as creating a budget for different types of costs and using this financial data to make bids that are low enough to win a contract and high enough to [..Read More..]
Five Trends Shaping Federal Contracts in Fiscal 2017
(Blog Post Credit: Duncan Amos, Bloomberg Government) After years of decline, government contracting may increase in fiscal 2017. Relatively flat spending decreases in recent years and increased budgets may translate into a reversal of a years-long slide. While it’s too soon to look at Pentagon [..Read More..]
Where Business Development & Project Management Teams Meet and Work Together Towards a Common Goal
“The fight is won or lost far away from witnesses – behind the lines, in the gym, and out there on the road, long before I dance under those lights.” – Muhammad Ali A communication and business systems strategy within an organization can take a [..Read More..]
Federal Acquisition Regulation – Small Business Subcontracting Improvements
By: Craig Stetson, Director, Capital Edge Consulting Final rule issued by the DoD, GSA and NASA July 14, 2016 to amend the FAR to add various improvements related to small business subcontracting. These statutory amendments will affect prime contractor responsibilities on how they deal with subcontractors and [..Read More..]
Getting Project Managers and Contract Administration Personnel on the Same Page is a Winning Formula
“All men can see these tactics whereby I conquer, but what none can see is the strategy out of which victory is evolved.” – Sun Tzu Efficient contract management processes are critical to ensure that goods and services are delivered as expected and engagements are [..Read More..]
NIST 800-171 Compliance: The 15 Key Requirements
“Defense contractors routinely process, store and transmit sensitive federal information to assist federal agencies in carrying out their core missions and business operations. Federal information is also shared with state and local governments, universities and independent research organizations. To keep this information secure, Executive Order [..Read More..]
Department of Defense Continues to Tinker with the Allowability of IR&D
Beginning in 2011, the Department of Defense (“DoD”) began making changes to the supplemental cost principle on Independent Research and Development (IR&D) found at the Defense Federal Acquisition Supplement (DFARS) 231.205-18. These changes have not affected the definition of IR&D found at Federal Acquisition Regulation [..Read More..]
Government Contracting Update and Trends for 2016
Doing business with the federal government can be challenging, and the environment is rapidly changing. After several years of sequestration, spending appears to be on the rise for the DOD (and most importantly, there is certainty in the budget for the next two years after [..Read More..]
As a Government Contractor, are you able to track these Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)?
“Intelligence is the ability to adapt to change.” – Stephen Hawking Whether you’re a small or large business, there are certain critical performance metrics that enable managers and executives to effectively manage and achieve results. In order to navigate the complex waters of government contracting, [..Read More..]
The defense sector returns to growth in 2016 and 2017, after years of sequestration
The President’s original budget for 2016 released in February 2015, provided $612 billion in discretionary funding for national defense (including enduring overseas contingency operations costs) – $26 billion (4.5%) above 2015 spending. And then after the threat of another government shutdown, the Bipartisan Budget Agreement [..Read More..]