The JAMIS Summit 2024 event was a great opportunity to discuss all of the great product features and solutions available to customers, as well as all of the great things coming in the future. This year marked a significant milestone as JAMIS celebrates the 10th anniversary [..Read More..]
Customer Success Recognition Awards
THANK YOU for joining us for the 2024 Town Hall! We received a lot of participation from the poll prompts, and many of you sent us phrases and words that represent how JAMIS Customer Success advocates for you daily. During the Town Hall, we announced [..Read More..]
Upgrade Your Customer Support with JAMIS!
We’re excited to introduce you to the benefits of upgrading your customer support with JAMIS. As a trusted partner in your business journey, we’re committed to ensuring you receive the utmost value and support from our products and services. Here are three compelling reasons why [..Read More..]
California Pay Data Reporting
The deadline for submitting pay data reports for the 2023 reporting year is May 8, 2024. Any employer with 100 or more employees nationwide and at least one employee in California must complete a California pay data report. Employee means “an individual on an [..Read More..]
You may have heard us say “We’re your advocate within the JAMIS organization!”, but what does it mean?
How the Customer Success team advocates for JAMIS customers looks different each day, but it is one of our favorite ways we show up for you! Aside from the opportunity to engage virtually and in person with customers, the CS team is always focused on [..Read More..]
JAMIS Prime 8.0 Update 7 is available
What’s in JAMIS Prime 8.0 Update 7? JAMIS Prime 8.0 Update 7 has the enhancements listed below, as well as resolutions for a number of issues. We redesigned the Contracts/Projects/Invoices/Direct Jobs/Indirect Jobs forms to use the state workflow engine instead of automation steps. Now you [..Read More..]
JAMIS Recently Released New JAMIS Prime Mobile Apps for iOS and Android
This new mobile app version supports JAMIS Prime 7.0 and higher, and it includes: For Android: Support to enable/disable dark mode. On the bottom right of the main screen, tap the person icon, and then Appearance. You can select Dark Mode, Light Mode, or Follow [..Read More..]
JAMIS HCM and Payroll: ACA Reporting
To meet the IRS deadlines, your final files are due to Humanic Global Solutions by February 9, 2024, for processing. Please contact your HCM account representative to begin data review if you have not done so already. IRS deadlines for the 2023 tax year are [..Read More..]
JAMIS Customer Support Portal
On January 1, 2024, JAMIS introduced our new Customer Support Portal. The JAMIS customer support portal offers several benefits to customers, enhancing your overall experience. Here are some key advantages: Self-Service Options: Customers can independently resolve common issues by accessing self-service resources such as FAQs, [..Read More..]
Season’s Greetings from the JAMIS Customer Success Team!
With the holiday season upon us, the JAMIS Customer Success team would like to share our gratitude with YOU for your continued engagement and loyalty to JAMIS Prime. In 2023, you clearly embraced the role of the Customer Success team and intentionally leaned into the [..Read More..]